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Writer's pictureRalph Greco, Jr.

The Nobilis Podcast & Erotica For All

Chris and I have some new writings we want to let you know about…more preciously to brag about.

First, my wonderful partner in crime and sprinkly cream donuts.

M.Christian, otherwise known as Chris to his buddies (so you have to keep calling him M. Christian or Sir, Supreme Slayer Of The Written Word, He-Who’s- Appendage-Is-As-Fulleth-Of-Girth-As-It-Is-Beauteous-To-Behold-As-Well-As-To-Do-Other-Sundry-Things-With/To), has a new story, “Koi No Yokan” up at The Nobilis Podcast. Chris’s story, is a “is a multisexual tale of two super-intelligent quantum systems,” read for episode 455 of this, the “most prolific erotica podcast in the known Universe.”

You do well to listen to Chris’s story being read here

I have writing of a print nature to tell you about, just posted, as well.

On the Erotica For All website, an excellent resource for readers/writers…really anybody into erotica, I managed to sneak a guest post into all the other fantastic content they post. You can access my “Non-Traditional Fem Dom” article, plus read an excerpt from my most recently released book, No Whip, No Problem, by going here.

As Chris and I have made clear on our podcast, as well in our everyday walking around shooting-the-shit-with-people lives, we are ever so absolutely thrilled for opportunities like those above and so many more of which we have participated. The good people who spend their time posting our content, creating audio files from our stories, reaching out to writers, maintaining relationships with so many folks, and allowing for writers like Chris and me such incredible attention, humbles us, truly.

And believe me, it’s not just Chris’s story or my post you should visit these sites for. There is much good stuff at both Erotica For All and Nobilis Erotica; you won’t get out without getting off on reams and reams of gooey good content.

Enjoy and tell them Chris and I sent you.

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